Burger King Falsely-Advertised Whopper Size Leads to a Lawsuit

Jasmine Mejia

Anthony Russo, a South Florida lawyer filed a lawsuit against Burger King. He alleges that Burger King has misled customers into believing that their food is much bigger than what is actually being served.

In their advertising of their food, Burger King portrays their Whopper thirty five percent bigger than its actual size. Russo mentions that Burger King started inflating the size of its burgers around September 2017.

There are many fast food restaurants that have done the same but no one pays it much attention even though what causes customers to buy their food are the advertisements. Customers want what is portrayed in the advertisement and most of the time it is not what they are given.

Rob Wile, NBC News reporter wrote, “Russo and the plaintiffs he is representing single out advertisements for Burger King’s trademark Whopper, saying the entire burger is 35 percent larger than the real-life version, with double the meat than what is actually served.”

If the Whopper does not look like what it does on advertisements then the advertisement should be modified to appear exactly as it does in reality. It is unfair that customers don’t receive what they paid for and instead receive a burger that does not live up to the customers’ expectations. It is not complicated portraying the burger as it is actually served, if anything it is more work enhancing its image.

“The suit cites as witnesses multiple YouTube users who specialize in food reviews and Twitter users who complained about their orders,” states NBC News.

Burger Kings false advertisements bring about expectations that end up causing customers to be disappointed with the food they received. Burger Kings advertisements should be altered, representing exactly how their food will be served in order to inform customers what they will be paying for which in turn can lead to a satisfied customer because the the food they receive will match the food on advertisements.

“It’s not the first time Burger King has been accused of inflating food in its ads. The United Kingdom’s advertising authority cited the company 12 years ago for burgers that had height and thickness ‘considerably less’ than what was advertised,” NBC News revealed. “The suit, which seeks class-action status, demands monetary damages and a court order requiring Burger King to end what it says are its deceptive practices.”

Justice needs to be served, Burger King should face the consequences of false advertisement. Russo’s lawsuit is justified and should halt Burger Kings misleading advertisements on their food, specifically the Whopper. The size of the Whopper when served to a customer should be the size portrayed on their advertisements.