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The Student News Site of The Preuss School

The Preuss Insider

The Student News Site of The Preuss School

The Preuss Insider

New Pride of Preuss member receiving their awards.
Preuss Faculty Select New Pride of Preuss 
Rayan Dahir, Design • June 17, 2024

As the new 24-25 school year is around the corner, the current Pride of Preuss is graduating and welcoming in the new Pride of Preuss at the...

Preuss Holds the Final SEA of the Year
Rediet Neme, School News Writer • June 5, 2024
Prom Season Hits the Preuss School UCSD
Stacy Rosales, School News Writer • May 15, 2024
Senior Swag Dazzles Preuss Campus
Rediet Neme, School News Writer • May 13, 2024

Preuss High School Requirements Exceed Regular Schools–and That’s a Good Thing

Preuss Senior studying for Math course.

Preuss’s main goal is to make sure that their students have the classes they need to be prepared for college and to be accepted to a four-year college or university. To make sure those two things happen, Preuss has various requirements such as AP classes, senior exhibition, and community service. Some students at Preuss think this school is too hard because Preuss makes students go out of the box and do more than what is needed. However, taking all these classes will prepare Preuss students for college because they mimic what  college will be like. 

Students may complain and question why we need to take all these classes but they may not understand how this will support their future. AP classes will help them with getting into college and helping them maintain the skills they need to stay in college. 

To graduate Preuss students need 270 credits: History/Social Science 30 credits, English 40 credits, Mathematics 30 credits, Laboratory Science 30 credits, Foreign Language 20 credits, Visual and Performing Arts 10 credits, Physical Education/EHS 20 credits, UCSD EAOP Senior Seminar 10 credits, Senior Exhibition/Wheel 10 credits, and Elective 70 credits. Most other schools in California only require 176 credits. Having a larger number of required credits helps colleges see that the students are very competitive and prepared for their school. 

In college students are going to be pushed to do so much more work and Preuss helps students prepare for that. For example, AP classes.  During Sophomore year, students take at least one AP class, AP African Studies. Taking an AP class this early teaches us time management and study skills. 

The most significant class seniors take at Preuss is Senior Wheel. Senior wheel is a class that is offered to all seniors here. Scholars at Press say that senior wheel is probably one of the hardest classes students  will take all four years at Preuss. Senior wheel is a semester system that begins in junior year. The second semester of junior year students do their community service requirement where they participate in something that benefits their community. Then in senior year they either start with research or internship. Internships they get to choose to do an outside one at UCSD or one at Preuss. For research they have to write a 6-8 page argumentative paper. 

At the end of the year they have their senior exhibition where they present a 20 minute speech on their senior wheel. Taking the senior wheel helps students practice public speaking skills and experience college level research. Most colleges require students to conduct research and know how to speak to peers or speak in front of people. 

Preuss is known for sending their students to colleges and universities. Preuss pushes their students because they want them to become successful and beat the odds. 


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