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The Student News Site of The Preuss School

The Preuss Insider

The Student News Site of The Preuss School

The Preuss Insider

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Senior Spotlight: Kevin Gutierrez

Barbara Guerrero
Kevin Gutierrez (’24) celebrates his acceptance to UC Berkeley.

Kevin Gutierrez has been at Preuss for the past seven years and is finally done with high school. Kevin is off to UC Berkeley in the fall of 2024, and will be majoring in Architecture. While one door is closing for Kevin, another one is opening.  Let’s see what the future has in store for him. Congratulations, Kevin!

Q: What major did you choose and why?

A: “I chose to major in Architectural/Engineering because since I was a kid I was interested in building buildings and I wanted to be involved in the building process. I find building is very interesting on how you make something from scratch and it comes out to be this big building that people will be able to work or live in.”

Q: What is the main reason why you picked the college you are attending?

A: “The reason why I chose to attend UC Berkeley is because it has been my dream school.”

Q: Where do you see yourself in ten years?

A: “In ten years I see myself probably designing buildings or constructing them. I also see myself finishing school and getting a high paid job.”

Q: What did you learn from Preuss that you think is unique to only Preuss?

A: “I learned that being yourself is not a bad thing to do and to not be afraid to speak up. I also learned that just because you attend a low income school does not mean you won’t be nothing in life. You can accomplish a lot if you believe in yourself and put your mind on something and make that something happen. Lastly, I learned that all that hard work you did in your four years will pay off and will for sure guide you in the right path.”

Q: What advice would you give to incoming seniors?

A: “A couple things I will tell the incoming seniors is to learn how to manage your time. Learning this skill is very important not just for school but also for the future. An example will be knowing when it is time to get your work done and then after going out with friends or going out in general. I will also tell the incoming seniors to not over think their senior year and just enjoy your last year in high school. But, yeah, that is what I will tell the future seniors.  Also, to just be brave.”

Q: What will you miss most about Preuss and high school?

A: “I will definitely miss how small the school is because going to college it is going to be really big. Preuss was a small school where everyone will see everyone everyday it was not like any other high school. Going to college will for sure be something new because I am not used to any big space.”

Q: What motivated you throughout high school?

A: “My parents are the ones who motivated me the most throughout my four years of high school. They always pushed me to do more and to go out of the box no matter the situation. Also being the first one in my family to go to college. I feel like going to college is very important, especially since I’ll be the first one to go and hopefully set an example for the rest of my family. Then having a successful career and just being the great person I can be. 

Q: What is the most difficult thing about high school?

A: “I will say the most difficult thing about high school is knowing to manage my time. But also just second guessing myself and just thinking if I fail this test will I fail the whole class. But the hardest thing I will say is managing your time.”

Q: What are your long-term life goals?

A: “I have a couple life goals, but one of them will be to start a family of my own. I want to show my kids how great life can be and to enjoy it but to also be a great person in life. I also want to get my parents’ visas. I hope that one day they can reunite with their parents and they can be able to go back to Mexico and experience how beautiful Mexico is. They will be able to hug their parents and see them again in person after many years.”

Q: What opportunities at Preuss do you think are underrated and that everyone should take advantage of?

A: “I think a lot of students underrate that programs are designed to help you [become] who you are. But most students don’t know about them, so they feel taken for granted. But programs teach you a lot that you probably did not know. I also think that students think that Preuss is hard but they don’t see the side why Preuss is hard and is a lot. Preuss wants to send their students to college and they guide you into that path. Lastly, when I tell you that your counselor is your best friend, they are your best friend.”

Q: What will you tell your younger self?

A: “I will tell my younger self to not give up and to keep your head up. Also that it is not going to be easy but that we will get there one day and it does not matter if it takes more than what it needs to take we will get there. But most importantly to just have fun and to not worry about the future too young.”

Thank you, Kevin, for telling us about your experience, goals, future, and advice. We hope you have an amazing time in college and accomplish everything you want in life.

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