SDUSD Schools Return to On-Campus Instruction; Preuss Students Remain Home
San Diego Unified School District has allowed for students to go back to in-person schooling as of April 12, 2021. The Preuss School UC San Diego, unlike the rest of the schools, is not allowing students to return to in-person classes.
The main reason Preuss isn’t returning back to school is because The Preuss School UC San Diego shares UC San Diego’s campus and we have to follow their rules. Since UCSD students aren’t back in person, we can’t be either. Another reason why Preuss isn’t returning back to school is because it is difficult to follow social distancing guidelines in school buses.
The San Diego Unified School District has said that students will be going back to school, but they will be following strict COVID-19 guidelines. Although many believe that having these guidelines is allowing students to be safe in a controlled environment, several preuss students believe otherwise.
Anthony Perez (‘22) states, “There’s always certain variables that we don’t expect so I don’t think that ONLY following those [COVID-19] guidelines would be enough, but it will help.”
Anthony feels as though the guidelines put in place although are helpful won’t be secure enough for other unknown variables that could affect students. However, with the recent availability of the vaccines, many Preuss students are now vaccinated. Even with these vaccinations parents are still unsure about sending their kids back to school.
Dashawn Philpot (‘22) tells us, “My parents want me to stay in online learning for the rest of the school year because they think it’s the safe option.”
Since Preuss students have more time to prepare and possibly get fully vaccinated, it will be easier for us to adjust to school in person. For Preuss students we have the guarantee that almost all of us will be vaccinated before going back to school which adds extra protection of us. However, it would be difficult for students to transition because our new routines for online school would interfere with in person learning schedules. There would be changes in participation levels, waking up early enough to catch the bus in time, having to re-adjust ourselves to leaving school at 4:00 everyday and having stricter rules to abide by.