Preuss will hold its annual Festival of Arts, celebrating its tenth anniversary, on Thursday, March 20th, from 5:30 p.m to 7:30 p.m. Both middle school and high school scholars are invited, although there are restrictions for middle school students to enter.
“The Festival of Arts is a fantastic combination of student’s creativity that provides an authentic audience, it’s not just visual art we also have performances. A lot of different stuff is going to be on display,” says Ms. Noorzay.
Families are welcome to come with their students. There is no charge for entry. The garden and crochet clubs will be at the events raising money by selling plants and crochet animals. Students will be given the opportunity to see performances like the fashion club’s fashion runway show, ballet Folklorico dancers, the rock band, and jazz ensemble performances.
Art projects from Ms. Noorzay’s six different art classes will be on display. This includes half portraits, representational art made out of clay, and collagraph prints. There will be paintings on display from landscapes to watercolors.. Ms. Noorazay also plans to display the homecoming painted wooden banners. The festival will also present some pieces in collaboration with Sixth College, which is on the campus of UCSD.
“Every student that takes art will have at least one work or more on display. They’re all different lengths of time. So some of the like studio ones students projects were just a couple of weeks, some were a couple of months. The AP studio students have been working on things since the beginning of the year,” commented Ms. Noorzay.
Students in Ms. Noorzay’s art class are working rigorously in order to meet their deadlines before the Festival of Arts begins.
“The Festival of Arts is an all-encompassing of Preuss culture because a culture is represented by its arts,” commented Ms. Noorzay about the Festival of Arts.
A majority of students chose to create their pieces based on their culture and what they symbolize. Students not only incorporated their culture but also other cultures around them.
“I definitely have incorporated elements of my culture but it hasn’t been a big focus. But with the Muse Art project I’m doing right now I am incorporating a different culture into my work, Japanese culture,” Michaiyah Hill (26’), who is in Studio Art.
Hill will display her Muse Art project, her Seven Deadly Sins project, and her poetry art project. Her pottery artwork is a pumpkin teapot.
“My artwork is going to be displayed, and I will be dancing for one of the performances,” states Makayla Giang, (26’), a studio art student.
Giang is looking forward to showing her projects to her family and friends.
“Preuss students have a certain dedication to improving themselves, their families, and their communities.It’s not that other students don’t have that, but it’s our school culture,” said Ms. Noorzay.
Ms. Noorzay started the Festival of Arts event in 2015. She is dedicated to Preuss for the students’ education, culture, and opportunities given to students and teachers, such as displaying art for everyone to admire.
“I am looking forward to visiting the Festival of Arts with my little sister to see all the artwork the students have been working on. I am anticipating taking Ms. Noorzay’s art class next year,” declared Evoleth Almedia Moreno (28’).