Model UN is a club offered at Preuss where students roleplay as delegates to the United Nations and make committees based on the UN to learn about current world issues and international connections. Model UN is limited to high school students only and meets bi-weekly every 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month at lunch. Kamila Ramirez (‘25) and Yared Fente (‘25) serve as President and the Vice President, with Ms. Boquiren as the supervisor of the club.
According to Ramirez (‘25), Model UN has achieved many accomplishments so far.
“One accomplishment that has happened to MUN is the great success of our T&T MUN conference, getting more than 250 delegates in attendance. Another great achievement was our travel conference to the Harvard Model Congress, San Francisco, where we earned awards in various committees,” states Ramirez (‘25).
Model UN allowed Ramirez (‘25) to grow alongside the club while also being the club’s President.
“Being President of MUN is a great honor because debating is one of my passions, and it has contributed significantly to my career choices,” states Ramirez (‘25).
Model UN participates in multiple conferences during the year for students to participate in. Model UN students benefit from the club for its conferences, getting to know more about the world, but one specific committee stood out to Ruth Kibrom (‘26) who is the Model UN treasurer.
“I enjoy crisis committees the most because quite literally anything can happen in those committees,” states Kibrom (‘26).
Model UN is a popular club at Preuss and has gained many students’ attention, but some students feel mixed opinions on the club.
“I feel it’s hard and fun at the same time since we get to do actual work and debate on it and that is the fun part of it,” states Andrew Vazquez (‘28).
“Being a treasurer for MUN requires being organized and responsible. It can be a bit stressful sometimes, but overall, it’s a pleasure being a part of MUN,” states Kibrom (‘26).
For conferences, Model UN prepares in many ways and commits to making sure everything runs smoothly.
“T&T, as it was hosted at Preuss this year, we put a lot of work into registration, food for the delegates, committee development, decoration, classroom setup, school beautification, volunteer coordination, parking setup, and much more,” states Kibrom (‘26).
This year was the first year class of 2028 was able to join any clubs as they are now freshmen. Some freshmen had conflicting feelings in regards to figuring out what clubs they should join.
“I was a little nervous to join because I did not know anything about Model UN but now I understand how it works and it is one of my favorite clubs,” states Vazquez (‘28).
Usually Model UN goes to conferences all over San Diego like, Knights MUN, T&T conference which was held at Preuss this year. According to Vazquez (‘28) many components come with the conferences.
“Preparing for the conference can be nerve racking because you’re going to debate with people you have never met before, but overall it’s all fun in the end and getting to broadcast your work,” states Vazquez (‘28).
MUN keeps students informed about global problems with all the conferences, research, and mock conferences they do.
“I wish people could understand how fun and unique MUN committees are. People typically view them as boring and mechanical, but they are so much more. The twists and turns, the people, the personalities, and the debates are the best,” comments Kibrom (‘26).