Preuss will be hosting its annual spelling bee for middle school students on January 29th, in the Walton Center, during block four. The competitors for the final spelling bee in seventh grade are Gavin B, Abenezer M, Aian N, and Ladna J. The eighth grade competitors are Weslee R. Tony T, Trinity N, and Brian T.
So far Ms. Hannah and Mr. Fulchiron will be helping host the Preuss spelling bee, and it is still yet to be determined which other teachers will assist in announcing words for students.
“I’m looking forward to seeing the spelling bee even though I am not participating in it,” says middle school student Camila Camacho (30).
Middle school classrooms, except for sixth graders, are invited to watch their peers compete on stage and support them with their stage fright.
“I’m on stage with the kids. I do breathing exercises with them before because it’s very scary for them” said Ms. Hannah Griffin, English teacher and facilitator of the spelling bee.
One of Ms. Hannah’s roles as the coordinator is helping kids get prepared for the finals. She is also the person who welcomes the audience and gives the students study guides so they have some ideas on what to expect in the spelling bees.
To determine the finalists, four English classes in seventh grade and four English classes in eighth grade participated in the class rounds. In class rounds are multiple rounds that all the students in their class have to participate in, and whether each student gets their word right they can go to the second round, with the rest of their peers who got the word spelled correct on the first round moves up to the next round. In the situation where a student misspelled the word they are disqualified from the spelling bee. They will continue this until there is one winner. Each grade has four winners and then those eight winners will meet in the Walton Center.
The middle school spelling bee has been occurring at Preuss for more than fifteen years. Teachers and students look forward to continuing this tradition for future years to come.
“When I took on this position in 2021, replacing Dr. Ensberg. Dr. Ensberg told me that this is a Preuss academic tradition. It’s just a very positive event to have,” said Ms. Hannah.
The winner of the Preuss spelling bee here moves on to the San Diego County Scripps Regional Spelling Bee on March 6th. From there students go to nationals. Unfortunately, no student from Preuss has made it to nationals yet. Students are currently practicing constantly for the Preuss spelling bee finale and hoping to go to nationals.
“Read! The more you read and the more you write the better speller you become,” says Ms. Hannah.