Preuss holds its final exams one week after winter break; however, many schools in San Diego have finals week before winter break, like Mission Bay High School, San Diego High School, Grossmont High School, Helix, and La Jolla High. Preuss should have finals week before winter break, just like them.
If Preuss held finals week before winter break, students will have a fresh memory of school subjects which will increase their chances of passing, and they will have less stress over break. Additionally, staff members will also benefit from this because they won’t have to stress about making finals during winter break; they will have time to relax and decompress.
Winter break is only two weeks, but students may have problems with this. says, “Even though winter break isn’t as long as summer break, the lack of educational activity you experience can mean that your short and long-term academic success is compromised. This is especially true of subjects like math and science.” This website confirms that relaxing on break and not studying will cause drops in grades.
Furthermore, when students start break they will be able to decompress fully and relax during their vacation. Being on break and still having to come back to do finals isn’t motivating, it is stressful. If we had finals before break we have a motivation to finish them because once we’re done we would have a “reward,” which is winter break. Harvard Health said, “Stress and anxiety affect memory because they make it harder for you to concentrate and lock new information and skills into memory.” Harvard Health is proving that stress will make it harder for students to study and remember topics, indicating that students can forget subjects because of stress and anxiety.
Other Preuss students agree.
Brisa Ramirez (‘28) says, “During winter break I went on vacation so I didn’t think of school things at all. I forgot most of the topics we did for math.”
Shahad Abdillahi (‘28) says, “On winter break I haven’t been focusing on school as much and I’ve forgotten things from Biology.”
Many staff members at Preuss have children that go to schools that are part of the San Diego district that have their finals before winter break. If they do then the children must want to enjoy their break with their parents (staff at Preuss) instead of thinking and making finals for their classes.
What do you think? Should we have finals before or after winter break?