Starting on January 13th to the 16th, Fall semester finals for all Preuss students will take place for the end of semester one. Finals are for teachers to see how much the students have progressed and learned ever since school started. Each day of that week, two finals will take place except for Friday.
Most of the students at Preuss are under stress because of how much pressure they have to excel on their finals and for each class to just add on even more stress for them.
“I feel nervous but at the same time confident because I understand most of the material that I have been taught but at the same time I still get anxious,” stated Lalo Yohannes (‘28).
Students try to use different methods to help them prepare for their finals. These study methods helped them have more time for other activities.
“I do the Pomodoro method which helps me. The Pomodoro method is to study for 20 minutes and have a 5 minute break and do that 4 times,” stated Shahad Abdillahi (‘28).
“I break up my studying into different days. It helps me feel more relaxed if I do that method,” stated Ayelen Sandoval (‘28).
According to students, study environments are crucial and helpful for students to understand the topics they are learning to pass the test. But some students’ opinions on study environments can differ, it depends on the student.
“I try to prevent myself from trying to be around loud areas or uncomfortable areas when I’m studying,” Sandoval (‘28).
The counselors have put together a final stress down set-up right in front of the school, next to the office to help students feel more relaxed. They served hot chocolate to students from Monday through Thursday.
“The hot chocolate helps me take my mind off of finals and just relaxes all the stress I have been going through,” Yohannes (‘28).
Students at Preuss are relieved to have the support they need for finals week with the counselors and other staff on campus they have.
“Yes, the counselors have been meeting with students and their parents to help support any questions they have about their grades and finals,” states Ms .Silva, one of the counselors.
Ms. Sliva, Ms.Patrick, and Ms.Cobbs have been meeting with their designated students regarding their feelings and worries about their exams. Teachers and counselors are hoping for the best with students and encouraging them to try their best.The counselors know it can be a stressful time and hope that students will reach out to them.
“The students probably feel nervous about finals…remember to take care of yourself this week and do your favorite stress relieving activity!” said Ms. Sliva.