On December 12, 2024, the Preuss Orchestra class performed a musical for people who signed up to watch the performance. This took place in the Walton Center from 2:30 to 5 p.m. The orchestra class played Christmas songs. This concert happens every year.
The performers had spent weeks rehearsing for this concert, and some of them were performing their first ever musical concert, which gave some of the performers mixed feelings before going on stage.
“I feel very relieved after completing the concert. I was very nervous since it was my first time but the minute I stepped off stage I was glad that all the preparation and stress was over,” says Reem Faqi (‘28).
The Preuss Orchestra class practiced for several weeks leading up to this moment where the majority of the school would see them perform. Many students even practiced on their own time.
“I prepared for the concert by practicing in class and whenever we had breaks during class,” said Brisa Ramirez (‘28).
There were many pieces of music that were performed by the students in the Preuss Orchestra class, but some pieces really stood out to some of the performers. For example, one of the songs that were performed was Ode to Joy.
“The piece that stood out to me the most was Jolly Jingle. It was one of the easier pieces so when the class played together it always sounded good. It was also a very fun song with the unique instruments such as the reindeer bells that were also used during the piece,” said Faqi (‘28).
There were different parts of groups that went on to play their instruments at different times. The groups were sorted by different types of instruments.
“The group that I was in when performing was with the violin and for every piece I performed violin one instead of violin two,” states Faqi (‘28).
This winter concert was an important event to hold due to bringing everyone together to listen to the performances the orchestra classes had been working on. Many believe this was an overall success.
“ I feel overall this concert was a success and I thought many people enjoyed the performances,” states Ramirez (28).
The Orchestra classes worked together to reach this point and are happy with what they came to.
“I feel like I’ve improved a lot by doing the concert. I was very worried that I would mess up but after the concert, I understood the fundamentals and believed I could do it again,”
states Ramirez (28).