Nintendo has a rich and complex history, originating in Kyoto, Japan, by a former craftsman by the name of Fusajiro Yamuchi. Originally, the company’s name was Nintendo Koppai. Their first ever product was a hand crafted deck of cards that were fairly successful but later discontinued the creation of the product due to concerns. Soon enough, Nintendo attempted to find a business to indulge in and came to the conclusion that creating a company based on selling video games and consoles was their best bet.
For the people new to Nintendo, here are some of the games students should play if they are looking to start playing Nintendo games:
- Super Smash Bros is a great fit for people just getting into video games. When players first start the game, it prompts them to tutorials to give them an idea of what the game is. Also, the mechanics are simple and easy to learn which is what makes it fun and engaging. The main objective of the game is to fight against one another using different characters players are able to choose from, with each character having a unique specialty.
- Mario Kart is by far one of the most popular games in the Nintendo scene because of the fast paced and simple gameplay. Some characters that players are able to pick from are Super Mario characters such as Mario, Luigi, Steve from the widely known game Minecraft, etc. Mario Kat perfectly suits people who are into both casual and competitive play. The game also has a feature where players can play with friends and family for a fun and pleasurable experience.
- Super Mario Maker 2. This game is ideal for people who are not into competition as it offers its consumers a chance to fulfill their imagination in creating unique maps. Each set of maps created by the user could be played by virtually anyone with each map ranging from being a parkour map or defeating the boss; the objectives are endless.
Nintendo has vastly provided its consumers with a diverse set of games open to people of all ages with no sort of gaming experience required. And so these are the list of games that are beginner friendly, suitable for all audiences looking to play and incredibly entertaining to play especially with other friends and perfectly suitable for people who enjoy playing casual as well as competitive play.