With just five months before Preuss’ current juniors begin college applications, Preuss arranged a field trip to the University of California, Riverside (UCR) on Friday, March 31, to showcase more college options available for the students. Students had to arrive by 7:15 AM in order to board the charter buses.
Juniors arrived at UCR after two hours and were led to a room where a UCR alumna informed students on their programs, financial aid, and sports.
“I liked [hearing] about the financial aid and how UCR really tries their best to provide applicants with the help,” Moises Garcia (‘25) stated. “Financial aid is something I focus on a lot when I look for colleges.”
After the presentation, junior advisory classes were split into two groups. The advisories of Mr. Arias and Dr. Ensberg were the first group to receive the tour while the advisories of Ms. Garcia and Ms. Noorzay were allowed to explore the campus. The tour was about an hour where the juniors learned more about the campus, regarding its history and programs.
“My favorite thing was that our tour guide didn’t just focus on academics, but also on what kind of clubs and extracurriculars they have,” Valeria Valdez Nuño (‘25) said.
After the first two advisories were finished with their tour, they were able to explore and purchase food from UCR’s dining options, like Subway, Panda Express, and the Habit, while the rest of the juniors went on their tour.
“The dining for UCR wasn’t my favorite and was a little expensive, but I think that it was fun because I had my group of friends to eat with,” expressed Mauricio Salas (‘25).
The Junior’s UCR trip served as a reminder of the future that awaits them.