Preuss’s newest renovations include the fencing surrounding the whole campus, new security systems for the doors, and a gate that is currently being added at the front of the school. Preuss plans to undertake significant renovations in the coming years to enhance the school’s environment.
“We need a new school, we need new buildings, we need a new field, [and] we need to upgrade most of its facilities,” admitted Dr. Matthew Steitz, the Preuss School UC San Diego’s Principal.
The last time Preuss made a “big” renovation was in 2019 when they added the Fab Lab. Besides that, Preuss has not faced a major renovation yet. Preuss does not only want a new modern look to their buildings, but also to make the school more secure and safer for students. As of right now our kitchen is not at the status we want it to be.
“Updating our current kitchen to accommodate cooking classes could be something that can be considered and also the teacher’s workroom,” said Vice Principal, Ms. Daniella Agliam.
Adding cooking classes will give the students at Preuss experience with new skills. The skills they will be obtaining will be necessary for later in life. Another needed renovation is a new teacher workroom. Teachers that teach in multiple classes have to move when it is their prep block, so they all go to the teacher workroom, and currently they need the space to work comfortably.
“We would also love to see, in our future, a student wellness center where it’s not necessarily a counselor office, but it will be a place where students can self-advocate, to go for an agreed amount of time if they need that mental health space,” states Agliam.
Adding this student wellness center can bring great accomplishments to Preuss. Making this space for them will also improve students’ ability to communicate, express, and build relationships with teachers and peers.
Most of these renovations will take time to be built and ready for use because the planning process is extremely lengthy.
“I honestly don’t foresee these events happening or starting until five years out,” acknowledges Agliam.
All of these ideas may become significantly valuable to Preuss as the renovations not only beautify the campus but also benefit the well-being of Preuss’s community. The new security gates will be completed by the beginning of next school year, making it a safer environment for students and staff.