On March 29, 2024, the long awaited Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire movie released worldwide and continues the story of the previous 2021 film, Godzilla vs Kong. This movie was directed by Adam Winguard and includes famous actors such as Rebecca Hall, Brian Tyree Henry, and Jeremy Slater. This is arguably one of the best movies of the franchise due to the epic battles scenes and new monsters.
To give insight, King Kong is a prehistoric colossal gorilla who protects the human race from various colossal monsters called “titans’” on earth’s surface. At the same time, Godzilla is a colossal reptile who defeats titans and any threat to him, creating a rivalry with King Kong over dominance and power.
In this film, Kong established Hollow Earth as his new home in hopes of finding his species. Meanwhile, Godzilla roams earth’s surface defeating titans and sleeping inside historic monuments such as the Colosseum afterwards. An ancient force discovered by a group safeguarding Kong’s existence on earth travels into Hollow Earth where they encounter a human society with powerful secrets on titans. Simultaneously, Kong encounters new threats and unexpected alliances putting the life of Kong and the human race at risk.
The various battle scenes showcased in this movie reveal the real power of these titans supported by amazing visuals which are one of the key components of making this film one of the best. One example is in the beginning of the movie when Godzilla defeats a huge crab-like titan using his atomic heat beam which is shown in extreme detail. This elevated my movie experience by seeing up close visuals of titans battling and remaining in awe afterwards.
Another component that makes this film one of the best in the franchise was the new characters introduced in the story. This movie included new animal-like titans who have alliances with Kong and Godzilla while others had chaotic plans to rule titans and animal species for power. Many of the new titans displayed on the movie screen had their unique backstory and powers which made me love the new characters.
I extremely enjoyed these elements of the movie and the overall story which can connect with people of all ages. I believe the movie does a great job on having various cinematic scenes which will leave the audience with awe, whether it be in battle scenes, landscapes, and other visuals. I highly recommend this movie to people who love the King Kong vs Godzilla franchise and all movie lovers.