Senior Spotlight: Darcie Duong

Michael Grijalva

Darcie Duong (’23)

Angelina Abdelrahman, Editorial Editor

Darice Duong is an accomplished Preuss senior as the president of GSA, Fashion Club, Art Club, Editor-in-Chief for Journalism, a cheerleader, and an officer in AAPI club, Multicultural Club, and National Honor Society. She is a very accomplished individual who committed to UC San Diego as a Business Psychology major and is considering a minor or double major in Speculative Design.

What made you choose UCSD?

“It was between UCSD or Berkeley. Berkeley was a little too competitive for me, so I chose UCSD.”

What is your proudest accomplishment?

“The paper. I’ve been in Journalism for four years. I’ve been editor in chief for three, and I built most of the online website by myself.”

What is your dream career?

“I want to go into Human Resources because a lot of HR corporations or organizations are stuck in the past and need to be modernized. And I see a lot of underserved communities…marginalized and discriminated against because they are different. My family has also had bad experiences with HR.”

What is your motivation?

“I would say a lot of my motivation comes from my family. I immigrated here when I was 5 and the whole reason is like to get a good education and get rich but also a lot of it recently has been…the underclassmen. You guys are doing so much right now which is crazy and…you guys are so stressed out over stuff I’ve never even thought about. I kind of want to be a good role model for the next generation and help with what I know.”

Who is your role model?

“My sister. So my sister is 10 years older than me…she graduated from UCSD 8 years ago and she got a degree in Human Bio. She’s living her own life in medicine right now, and I love her. She’s like my best friend.”

What was a highlight of your senior year?

“Fall Formal because I asked six of my friends to Fall Formal and then I made each of them their own poster and I got them each flowers and it was a silly little thing that I did. I thought it was fun.”

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

“I’d be 27. Hopefully either doing a Master’s or done with my Master’s. And having my own place, maybe getting my parents their own place.”

Advice to underclassmen

“Don’t stress about the little things and there’s bigger things to consider. Take care of your mental health; school isn’t everything as much as it seems to be. Text people back! I lost friends because I get too lazy to text people back. Try to be happy.”

Anything else to add?

“I think [the] juniors are doing great. A lot of underclassmen are stressing about huge things, and I just kind of wish you guys had more time to be kids.”