Valedictorian Spotlight: Analy Teres Sanchez

Ellery Juarez

Analy Sanchez (’22)

Lesly Castillo, Entertainment Writer

This is Analy Teres Sanchez! Analy is a senior and is one of the valedictorians. She worked very hard and she’s very proud of herself and her work. Fortunately, she is going to UCSD and is going to major in Biology! Analy was interviewed and was able to tell us more about herself.

What’s your name and which college are you attending?
“My name is Analy Teres Sanchez and I am attending UCSD.”

UCSD is a public university in La Jolla.

What will you be majoring in?
“I will be majoring in Biology in general.”

UCSD is a university that is known for its major in biology whether it’s general or computer science, etc.

Why did you choose the college that you are attending?
“I chose UCSD because it has always been my dream school since I was in 5th grade.”

What is something that you hope to accomplish in college?
“Something that I hope to accomplish in college is to just make my family proud and attend all four years in UCSD.”

UCSD has a 86% graduation rate.

What was your greatest high school achievement?
“My greatest achievement in high school is being Valedictorian.”

Trying to become a valedictorian is a lot of hard work for a high school student. It takes a lot of dedication to your work and grades. Trying to become one is very difficult but it’s worth it in the end.

Was it worth trying to become Val/Sal?
“It was definitely worth becoming Valedictorian.”

Which class threatened your Val/Sal status the most?
“The class that threatened my Valedictorian status was probably calculus.”

What do you think contributed most to your acceptance?
“My grades and my work ethic probably contributed most to my acceptance.”

Getting yourself into good work habits will definitely help with students’ grades or work.

What was your most positive experience here at Preuss?
“My most positive experience at Preuss was meeting all my friends and the people that I will probably spend the rest of my life with.”

It’s very important to keep your friends and family close and spend as much time with them as you can in high school.

Complete the sentence “I will always remember…”
“I will always remember the stress in senior year.”

Is there a particular faculty member you’d like to mention who has helped you?
“Faculty members that has helped me was Ms. Ackerman, Ms. Norozay and Mrs. Chovy.”

Any advice or tips for the upcoming seniors or high schoolers?
“Don’t procrastinate.”