Elden Ring Challenges Old and New Players

Thien "Henit" Nguyen, Entertainment Writer

Elden Ring is a new game created by FromSoftware which was released on February 25, 2022. The game follows the ridiculously high difficulty curve FromSoftware’s games are usually based on.

The main feature is the new open-world that previous FromSoftware games never had. This feature allows players to explore the world of Elden Ring without restrictions.

Although not as difficult as previous FromSoft games, Elden Ring definitely doesn’t disappoint fans on how fun the game is. With many variations of classes and builds to go, players are able to play what really matches them.

While playing through it the difficulty and countless deaths that players are bound to have doesn’t make the game annoying or tedious; in fact killing a boss after dying dozens of times gives a feeling of pure excitement.

The game is an absolute masterpiece that takes every single aspect of Fromsofts big titles like Dark Souls I, II, III and Sekiro and a little bit of new ideas and combines it into one. Compared to past games that had around a cities worth of exploration, Elden Ring expands on this by making it a continent worth of exploration.

Another factor that could intrigue new players who haven’t played a Fromsoft title is the optional difficulty level. Elden Ring is as easy or hard as you want it to be, there are options to get help with summoning spirits or call friends in order to deal with bosses or do it by yourself.

One problem that a majority of players have with Elden Ring is that there is too much to explore. After entering the game its up to the player to find where to go which can be very tricky to players who are trying to finish the game as fast as possible.

I personally think this was the best part of Elden Ring as this game’s content can easily quadruple that of the previous games. The open world genre opens a new world of opportunity for new secret bosses, secret endings to the game and secret weapons/items.

Elden Ring is a highly recommended game for PC and console and I’m confident its a high contender for the Game of The Year award, the games hype began in 2019 with its announcement and it has not been a let down.